Library FAQs
UPL Patron FAQs
1. When are you open?
A: We are open Monday-Thursday 11:00 am – 7:00 pm, Friday 11:00 am – 4:00pm, Saturday 11:00 am – 2:30 pm, and closed on Sundays.
2. Where are you located?
A: Our address is 7530 Auburn Rd, Utica, MI 48317. (Helpful landmarks: We are located one block West of Van Dyke and one block North of M-59. We are located on the same road as Jimmy John’s Stadium, just farther East).
3. I have a library card from _________ (SBL, SHL, ROG, etc.), can I use it here?
A: Yes! Your library card works at every library in Macomb County. Your library card also works at the Troy Public Library (Oakland County) and Harper Woods Public Library (Wayne County).
4. I checked this book out at _________ (SBL, SHL, ROG, etc.), can I return it here?
A: Yes! You can return materials (other than MeLCat items) to any SLC library. MeLCat items must be returned at your home library. If the book you have is from a participating MiLibrary library (not in the SLC), then the book must be returned to the library from which it came.
5. What do I need to sign up for a library card?
A: Residents of the City of Utica can sign up for a card if they provide residence verification. Have your Driver’s License with current address. If the current address is not on the Driver’s License, you must also have a piece of “official mail” addressed to you (i.e., utility bill, insurance bill, etc.) More information can be found here.
6. Can I print directly from my phone/personal laptop?
A: No, our printers don’t currently have that capability. To print you have to pull the document up on one of our public access computers. You also have the option to e-mail the document to us at, and we will print it for you.
7. What do I need to use a computer?
A: We require a library card to use our computers. If you live in the SLC service area but do not have a card, we can let patrons on one time with a guest pass. Non-residents/card-holders will be charged $2 to use our internet/use a computer.
8. Does the library have study rooms available?
A: No, we do not. However, both Shelby Township and Sterling Heights Public Libraries have study rooms.
9. Does the library have a book club?
A: We have a book club that meets on the first Friday of every month. We have a flyer with the titles and meeting dates for this year at the library or you can view them on our calendar.
10. Does the library take book donations?
A: At this time, we can only accept a very limited amount, no more than 10 books. Call the library if you have a special request.
11. How long is my library card good for?
A: Library cards have to be renewed every 3 years.
12. How do I renew my card?
A: We can renew cards from any of the SLC Libraries. You have to provide residence verification to renew your card; this cannot be done over the phone.
13. Does the library have a pen, pencil, paper, highlighter, ruler, paper clips, white-out, etc. that I can use?
A: Patrons can borrow the pens, pencils, highlighter, sharpie, scrap paper, tape, stapler that are at the circ desk. We do not sell/give out any other materials including envelopes, stamps, white-out, etc.
14. Does the library have a fax machine?
A: Yes, we charge $1 per page to fax. We can only send faxes. We cannot receive them.
15. How much does it cost to print something?
A: We charge $0.10 per page, and we only accept cash. If you are printing double-sided copies, it is $0.10 per side. We print only in black and white.
16. Does the library have a scanner?
A: Yes, we do and it’s free to use when using a library card.
17. Does the library have Notary Services?
A: Yes, we do offer Notary Services by appointment only. Notary services are free for Utica Residents and $5 a page for non-Residents. Call or stop in to make an appointment.
18. Does the library have WIFI I can use on my own device?
A: Yes. There is no password required to log on to the WIFI. Select “UPLWifi” in your device settings, and you should be redirected to a browser where you must accept the terms before being connected.
19. How do I log in to the library website online?
A: You need your library card number and a 4-digit pin to sign in to your account online on Vega, our online catalog. From there, you can view your checkouts, holds, and fees.
20. What if I don’t remember my password?
A: If you do not remember your password, try the last four digits of your library card number. Otherwise, you can reset your password by clicking “I forgot my PIN.”
21. How long does an item check out for?
A: Most books and audiobooks check out for 21 days. DVDs, magazines, and holiday books check out for 7 days. Due dates are noted on check-out receipts.
22. Will my item renew?
A: If eligible for renewal, your item will renew 2 days before the due date as long as there are no holds on it. You will get a notification of a new due date by whichever method you signed up for notifications.
23. How much are overdue fines?
A: Overdue fines are $0.25 per day for books, magazines, and audiobooks and $1 per day for DVDs.
24. Do you accept credit cards to pay for charged services (faxing, printing, copying, overdue fines, lost/damaged items, etc.)?
A: We do not accept credit card; we accept cash only. However, we can bill your account for the service, and you may pay it online by logging into Vega.